About Original Cake Man's Sweets Bakery - Washington, DC

Quality Baking Services

At Original Cake Man's Sweets Bakery-Washington, DC, we make sure that the entire cookie family is represented every day, so if you visit, you are so addicted that you can't stand to leave without getting that cookie that you've been eyeing.

You'll find old favorites like oatmeal, oatmeal raisin, buttery sugar, lemon sugar, peanut butter, snickerdoodle, and a different variation of chocolate chip, our espresso kissed brownie variety, moist cupcakes, muffins and our cream cheese frosting topped Morning Glory Cinnamon Rolls, and our delicious Sticky Buns are a must. 

When a holiday rolls around, the bakery team shifts in high gear and makes our delicious sugar cookies cut outs and decorate into appropriate seasonal shapes: hearts for Valentine's Day, eggs, chicks and bunnies for Easter, and everything from stars to trees, candy canes, Santa, and Snowman for Christmas. Try picking up one of our all year around and seasonal tins of cookies.

We like to make oversized cookies if you are only going to have a single cookie, let's get a big one!!! Feel free to break the cookie into smaller portions as appetites demand. We also offer cookies in other shapes for that special occasion. Our products are always baked fresh, and they always will be. On top of that, we offer our goods at affordable prices, meaning everybody can enjoy fresh, wholesome bread daily. We pride ourselves on being able to offer quality services with a friendly face, and our customers will attest to it. Sounds good? Of course, it does.

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